

Tässä se on!

Ensimmäinen lauluni youtubessa!

Jos sinulla on hyviä ideoita miksi kutsuisin tätä sarjaa niin ehdotuksia otetaan vastaan. Ajattelin itse 'Melody time' mutta se on jo niin tyhmä ja kulunut.


Here it is!

My first song in youtube!

If you have any good ideas of the name what I should call these series, please tell me. I thought about 'Melody time' but it's so stupid and worn already.

8 kommenttia:

Susa kirjoitti...

WAU! Sä oot taitava laulaja!! Tää tykkää!! :)

Lilli kirjoitti...

Kiitoksia kovasti :)


Arran, Arthur and Mum kirjoitti...

You have a beautiful voice!

Lilli kirjoitti...

Thank you :)


Lassiter Chase and Benjamin kirjoitti...

We showed Grandma the video of this Finnish song. She loved it. She says u have a terrific voice. She never heard a Finnish song before she says it sounds a little like German to her.

Lilli kirjoitti...

Thank your grandma for me :) German eh? Well, that's new :D I've never heard that before. I've heard Finnish sounds like a little bit of Japan and Estonian of course but never German :D


Anonyymi kirjoitti...

WOW What a beautiful voice! I enjoyed listening to you; don't ever stop singing. My grandmother was born in Finland; I am Canadian and speak a little Finnish.

Lilli kirjoitti...

Thank you Adrienne :) Don't worry, I won't stop singing.
